what contributed to the success of ethiopias resistance to european rule?

Amiir Nur of Harar

Harar stands apart from  Muslim'southward and  Marehan in history

The foundation of Harar goes back to the foundation of the first Muslim sultanate at the cardinal and southern Ethiopia in 896 A.D.

In 1521 A.D. Amir Abubakar Muhammad tranferred his capital from Dakar to Harar which earlier long emerged as the most important boondocks in the horn of Africa.

Later on the 14 years of successive holy wars and the defeat of Iman Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim Algaz (Gran) in 1543, the power was assumed by his nephew, Amir Nur ibn Alwazir Mujahid, who married the late Imam'southward widow, Bati Del Wambara. It was he who was responsible for the structure of the great wall (Jugal) around Harar for defensive purpose. This structure becomes the towns' most of import characteristic.

Because of its strategy, situated on the eastern spur of the southern Ethiopian mountain massif, Harar become the near important trade centre, playing an intermediary role between the two trading companies, the rich higlands of the interior and the Gulf of Aden ports. As a result Harar's rulers struck their own currencies, the 2d ones in the history of Ethiopia after that of the Axumite and the only such money produced at that time in this part of Africa

Harar then and afterward, was like wise a notable Muslim city, producing a fine Islamic manuscripts taken to mosques all over the the horn, known as a muslim stiff hold in the horn, some scholars considered information technology as the "fourth Muslim city" afterwards Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, while others named it "Madinat al Awliyes" - the city of saints.

Despite its commercial, religious and cultural importance, Harar was for centuries a airtight and mysterious city until the early 19th centuries. After the defeat at the battle of challanqo in 1887, by Melelik of Shewa, Harar ceased to be an independent country and was forced to become part of Ethiopia.

Today Harar is the smallest state in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethipia, located in the south eastern well-nigh 526 km from Addis Ababa.

Harar was established by Sultan Abu Beker Mohammed in 1520. Harar, the Holy Urban center of Ethiopia's Muslim customs, is believed to be the along-holiest city after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. The quondam City Wall of Harar is the primary attraction and symbol of Islamic architecture. Harar has approximately 90 mosques, which form the largest concentration of mosques in the globe. One of Harar'southward main attractions is the hyena man who feeds hyenas on the outskirts of the boondocks every nighttime.

Harar is known for its turmoil and mortality. Ahmed Gragn killed Abu Beker Mohammed who was the ruler of Harar. Ahmed Gragn was a militant Muslim leader and used Harar as his base to launch his jihad and raids against the Ethiopian Christian Empire in 1528. He destroyed many churches and threatened the complete distruction of Ethiopian Christendom. He was killed by Emperor Gelawdewos in a Battle almost Lake Tana in 1543. The raids connected against the Christians led past Ahmed Gragn'due south widow Bati Del Wambara. In 1559, Emperor Gelawdewos marched on Harar with the aim to eradicate the abiding religious sectarianism taking place. Gelawdewos was killed in a battle and his head was paraded around the urban center on a pale.

In 1647, Emir Ali ibn Daud took control the city and established an democratic administration. Despite the continuous fighting with Oromo tribes, Harar expanded; it became well populated, an of import city for trade and a eye of Muslim scholarship. It issued its own currency. After 250 years of autonomous dominion, Arab republic of egypt occupied Harar and killed the Emir in 1875. The Egyptian action created a strong resistance in the Muslim customs of Harar. Emir Abdullah took control and led a campaign against the Egyptians, which ended in 1885.

In 1887, Harar lost its autonomy when Menelik, Prince of Shewa, who later became Emperor of Ethiopia in 1889, waged war against the army of Emir Abdullah. Menelik defeated the Emir at the Battle of Chelenko in 1887. Menelik then established a new assistants, including several members of the emir's family to prevent renewed religious sectarianism, headed by Ras Mekonnen, the male parent of Emperor Haile Selassie.

Harar then began to disintegrate and lost its condition every bit a trade eye in the stop of nineteenth century when the railway line was built between Addis Ababa and Djibouti through Dire Dawa. From 1902, Dire Dawa became the master commercial centre of Ethiopia.

However, Harar remained as the spiritual City of Ethiopia's Muslim customs, the political upper-case letter of Hararge Province until 1994 and has become a federal city-country since 1995.

History of Harar

By Ahmed Zakarya (1995)
Historian and Antrhopologist

The aboriginal city of a in one case mighty race, the only permanent settlement in Eastern Africa, the reported seat of Muslim learning, a walled metropolis of stone houses, possessing its independent chief, its peculiar population, its unknown language and its own coinage; the emporium of the coffee trade and the head-quarters of the slave trade and the great manufacture of cotton wool cloths, amply information technology appeareddeserved the trouble of exploration.

Richard Burton( xxvi, 1894)

Before the recent rising of Addis Ababa and Nairobi was the only city worth of the title in east Africa betwixt the Ethiopia urban center of Gondar, to the n of Lake Tana, and the Arab city of Zanibar, on the isle off the east Africa coast.

Arnold J Toynbee(1965)

Federal democratic republic of ethiopia, the cradle of flesh, one of the crossroads of culture, and a mosaic of nationalities, has much to offer to the world heritage. It has already registered half-dozen centers in the UNESCO Earth heritage listing. This prehistoric and natural sites are comparable with some of the moat famous world monuments. Hadar, the birth identify of Lucy. Lalibela, and the archaeological site of Tiya are some of the wonders of Ethiopia. In that location are nonetheless more identify to be considered for the World Heritage list; Harar located in south Eastern Ethiopia virtually 526 kms from Addis Ababa, should be ane of them.

Harar is among those cities in Africa that enjoy a balmy climate throughout the twelvemonth. The well-known 19TH century traveler, Sir Richard Burton, who was the showtime European visitor to enter what he called "forbidden metropolis " left us a vivid memorable 10 days in Harar. In his ain words " Harar is non hot, absurd just not cold" quoting a description of heaven-favoured city, according to a Persianpoet. He too compares it with the climate of the Italian city of Tuscany. Butchlozer(101,1955) a traveler who visited a century after Burton, has this to say virtually the natural beauty of Harar;

Information technology doesn't matter yous go there when the coffee bushes are in bloom andthe air is heavy with their strong bitter scent, or when the ripe fruit of theOrange copse glow in the sunlight, information technology is always lovely in Harar; in that location is ever something blooming, e'er being harvested.

At least seven settlements are mentioned as the precursors of Harar according to a popular legend. These were esshkanti gai (gai means "urban center" or "settlement"). Fereka gai, harawe gai. Hassen gai; Ruhuk gai; Sammti gai; and Tuhkungai. All this sites are now awaititng archaeological excavation to tell their stories, except Hasseb gai wich still keeps the proper name north Harar. These settlement resolved their enmity and agreed to establish their heart in Harar. This center had fertile soil with abundant h2o to establish a sustainable agriculture system: it was likewise a healthier location, being free from the common tropical diseases, such every bit malaria, which are rampant in surrounding lowland.

There are many legends related to the foundation of the urban center. However, shakih Abadir, " the patron Saint" comes first when the name of Harar is mentioned. He is said comes with his entourage in the tenth century from Arabia. It is belived that he was the i who organised the authoritative system of the city and also gave Harar its proper noun. With its numerous mosques and shrines, Harar is considered the "fourth holy urban center of Islam" after Mecca, Mediana and Jerusalem.Perched on a gentle hill, tuckered by network of rivres, Harar is an ancient walled urban center. It was founded a millennium agone, between the 7th and ninth AD, by a Semitic- speaking people. The agricultural arrangement of Harar was effective and efficient. Using terracing and irrigation as well as intercropping which is useful for tropical soil and a symbolically correct practice, the harar farmers were able to produce grain and greenbacks crops in acceptable supplies for local consumption and consign. It is also considered as the original cultivation center of the world famous java arabica and the mild stimulant foliage called (cath edulis). Both are lucrative export items, which provide the Ethiopian economy with substantial financial resources.

Harar was not dependent exclusively on agriculture, merely too benefited from carvan trade, since it was geographically a half style business firm of all-encompassing merchandise between the Ruddy Sea, the Indian Ocean littoral and the vast Ethiopian hinterland .To facilitate the international trade of those days, Harar had to mint its ain coinage. In the whole of Ethiopian Region, it was the second heart later Axum to produce coins since at least the Middle Age on. Harar besides played a part bridge between the quondam Axumite coins and the modern ones since the start coins of Menlik were struck in Harar. This broad and stable economic base of operations helped Harar to become one of the leading center of learning in the horn of Africa and to develop a unique urban culture uninterrupted through the centuries.

The shift of the upper-case letter urban center of the Adal State from Deker, an old settlement, to the urban center of Harar in 1520 brought virtually the heyday of Harar. The new uppercase go the springboard for Imam Ahmed Gragn, to incorporate to the Horn of Africa. Nonetheless, the leading function of Harar did non last long. Afterwards the wars of Gragn, Harar was exposed to frequent attack from unlike sides.Nur, the nephew of Imam Ahmed Gragn, built the remarkable defensive wall popularly known as jugal. This wall warmly engulf the metropolis which is confined within 48 hectares and 362 narrow lanes. The circumference of the wall 3,348 meters; with 5 traditional gates. These five gates demarcate the administrative as well every bit the socio-zones of the former urban center. Jugal gives a sense of direction and belonging to harar. This wall, therefore, defines the major cultural texture of holistic fabric of the harar. Without it, the native feels every bit if the link with social and cultural environment is missing.

The social organisation is governed by gai a da the culture of Harar communicatedthrough a unique language which is a mixture of Cushtic and Semitic languagesknown equally gai sinan, the language of the urban center. The hala mahal etiquette, of the city is a binding force to enhance urban culture. After its heyday as the middle of the mighty Adal state, Harar gradually declined and become a minor city- state ruled by the dawoodi dynasty from 1647 to 1875. The occupying force of Egypt interrupted the rule of the dynasty between 1875-1885. The closed gates to European travellers were wide open during the Egyptians occupation. Rhmbaud, Paulischke (1888) and many other came to Harar. The last Amir, Abudullahi, took over the drape power for less than 2 years, but was defeated past Menelik at the Battle of Chelenqo in 1887.

Thereafter, Harar was incorporated into greater Ethiopia, which was then inthe process of formation. Although information technology lost its independence, Harar remained one of the virtually of import economic emporia of the new empire ofthe new empire of Emperor Menelik. The occupation of Harar is considered oneof the major turning point for the success of Menelik against his rival powers, both internal and external. In fact, "it would exist impossible to write the history of Modernistic Ethiopia without reference to Harar" [Henze,188,1977]

Addis Ababa, the present capital of Ethiopia, which was established at the time of the Boxing of Chelenqo, benefited from Harar experiecne. Surveyors, masons, bookkeeper, peace keepers chosen yaradda zebegn, tailors and similar professionals who were beckoned to Addis Ababa, contributed and disseminated their skills in the building of the national preparation of the famous Boxing of Adawa of 1896.

Just before the coming of the Italian Fascist invasion and occupation of the 193, two journalist, Waugh[1934] and Frago[1935] visited Harar. Both of them were impressed with cultural life of the city. Cerulli [1936 and 1971] who was starting time class Italian scholar of Semitic studies joined the invading ground forces and administered Harar for sometimes. His books are still the all-time reference work on the history of city. Equally the upshot of the invasion, Harar expanded greatly and is now quite often referred to as "the great harar." The Italian destroyed the northern farmland and established their administration headquarters chosen Butega without affecting the old walled city. Within a walking distance 1 can easily transcend space and time to pass from a medieval pre-industrail realty to modern city. The old city, with its traditional rectangular stone house, winding narrow lanes, affluence of mosques and shrines every bit land marks, perpetually enchants its visitors likewise equally its residents; in dissimilarity, the modern quarter is characterized past wide cobblestone roads and concrete buildings.

Currently, Harar is one of the nine national of states of Federal State, encompasses about 400 sq. Km. With a population of more 120, 000 is ready to come across the xx first-century with self assured strides to fulfill its responsibleness of integrated development in all sphere of life. The historic period old metropolitan Harar has already achieved impressive results in diverse fields of activities. This old city which claims more than than a millennium of history is happy to share its mystic knowledge and is prepare to learn from others.

Moving from a macro to micro view of the metropolis reveals an abundance of aesthetic traditions that echo this beauty. Many compound had courtyard with green plants, pots, benches and that sense of peace and club in a small space which is so ofttimes feature of traditional Islamic life according to the ascertainment of Henz. The Harari house reveals a sense of proportion and mastery of building technology, perfected over the centuries, that is both warm and inviting. Inside the house, on the walls of the living room, one is overwhelmed by the residue and color limerick of the brandish of baskets. The colorful apparel of Harari women is anther dimension of the aesthetic dazzler that permeates Harari life. Indeed, Harar the jewel of e, has earned many names; Abadir,' Medinet al Awlia'southward, Jebel al Awlias', the fourth Muslim City', The Timbukutu of the E" and many others. Still, it radiates as a historical, cultural too as social peg which should be reserved for posterity without affecting new innovative trends. The maze narrow lanes and the unforgettable colorfull market scenes, added to the uniquely structured houses, requite the city the touch of a living museum. The recent conservation attempt is encouraging, simply information technology is not enough.

In conclusion, this is a glimpse of the beauty of the walled city. A mount top view of Harar reveals a mosaic of diverse scenery. I sees great natural beauty in dissimilarity to the dazzler of the human built surround. The colours are remarkable. Exterior the city walls the lush green foliage with meandering steams reminds 1 of Western farsi carpets. The prolific writer on Ethiopian affairs, Henze, compare this beauty with an illustration of medieval manuscript. In contrast, inside the onetime wall the colors and shapes change, one sees primarily whites and grays and diverse ranging of geometric shapes of varying sizes. The loma on which the former city resists is a constantly changing organic course, shaped and reshaped past the easily of masons for over a millennium. The house, mosques, the two churches, the market places and the narrow streets from this magnificent work of art.


Harar in History
In 1855 AD the British explorer Richard Burton became the first European to enter the City of Harar and in his letter of justification for embarking on a venture perceived to be fraught with unknown dangers he describes Harar as the entre-pot between the Red Sea and Indian Ocean coasts and the massive Ethiopian hinterland every bit:- The ancient metropolis of a once mighty race, the just permanent settlement in Easten Africa, the reported seat of Muslim learning, a walled metropolis of stone houses possessing its independent master, its peculiar population, its unknown language, and its ain coinage and the great manufacture of cotton wool cloths, amply it appeared, deserved the trouble of exploration. In the 140 years since then Harar had gone through innumerable vicissitudes including four major wars, a series of socio-economic upheavals and natural catastrophes. And yet it has maintained its dignity. Its unique civilisation and a particular brand of serenity.
Harar today is a city whose people thrive on smiles and friendliness. And unlike Burtons days. It can be easily and most comfortably reached forth an asphalt loftier way from Dire Dawa. Which is only 55 kms away and past all weather route from Jijiga. In historical retrospect, Harar began to come into geo-political prominence with the founding of the first Muslim Sultanate in 896 AD. Information technology flourished through the centuries and served as a powerful economic and commercial capital of a vast Muslim State, which vied on equal terms with the Atse state in North West Ethiopia. It further became the administrative capital of the Region in 1521 AD. The nifty defensive wall called the Jugal, that surrounds the inner citadel of harar was built in the 1550s by Amir Nur, the nephew of the great Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al Ghazi, commonly known as AHMED GRAGN Harar is located in South Eastern Ethiopia at virtually 526 kms from Addis Ababa. Information technology is situated between 9018. North breadth and 4207. East longitude. It is bordered to the n past Combolcha and jarso, to the South past Fadis, to the East by Babile and to the West by Alemaya. It is situated on the plateau between 1600 ms and 1900 ms above body of water level.
Aw Hakim is the major mountain near the city. The master rivers are the Hamaressa, Erer and Bissidimo farther more numerous rivers in the area flow Southward to bleed in the Wabi Shaballe basin. In fact the Jugal itself is surrounded by streams which bound intermittently in their very short form from the five gates. Climatically, Harar is amid the luckiest cities in the earth which are balmy throughout the yr. To quote Richard Burton again it is warm just not hot. Absurd merely not cold. The rainy season lasts from June to September. The annual average rainfall varies betwixt 700-800 mm. And the temperature between 12.60C and 260C. Agriculture is the main economic activeness. The greenbacks crops include the finest coffee, the high grade hides and skins, basis basics, fruits and chat (cata adulis). As information technology has been stated earlier, Harar, the ancient city of Eastern Ethiopia became a fully developed city country nearly 1000 years agone _ _ just at the beginning of the 2d millennium A.D. The Jugal or the defensive wall surrounding the inner urban center, was erected by Amir Nur early on in the 16th century, every bit a bastion against the marauding hordes, propelled past the massive southward/n cushitic migrations and the subsequent upheavals, which through the form of three-score years redesigned the ethno-cultural and socio-economic configuration of Ethiopia. In the more recent by, the imperialist conflicts in Europe, which instigated inter alia the Scramble for Africa further fragmented Eastern Ethiopia and drastically circumscribed the office of Harar as a major entrepot, or half-way house betwixt the Ethiopian hinterland and the Red ocean/Indian body of water littorals and waterways. Nevertheless, with the completion of the Ethio-Djibouti railway in the first quarter of the current century, Harar could maintain a classic geographic inertia to benefit economically from Ethiopias expanding foreign trade through the period of the Italian occupation till the stop of world war II. In fact, at the conclusion of the Ethio-Italian War in 1941, the province of Hararghe which consisted of an integrated Country mass divided from the major Ethiopian massif, and cut off to the East, by the Great Rift Valley. However, past the early 1960s, Arussi and Bale were whittled away by the Haile Sellassie regime to from delinquent mini-provinces. And in 1988, the Derg further carved the already impaired Hararghe Province into 2 Authoritative and two the so-called Autonomous regions. And finally, in 1992, the Transitional Government of Federal democratic republic of ethiopia (TGE), equally part of a central restructuring of the Ethiopian state on autonomous bases, has delimited Harar and its surrounding sub-districts into, Region XIII, consisting territorially of the inner city of Harar and its concentric rural rings inside an approximate radius of x to 15 kms to form the democratically constituent and autonomous Region. After formation of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Harari People National Regional State became ane of the nine Regional States of Ethiopia.


The rise and development of settlements in the region

Settlements in the region are believed to have existed some 1200 years back and the tribe is identified every bit Punt tribe, from which the Hararis are believed to take emerged. Unlike settlement site are postulated around Harar, such every bit Dakar, Malka, before the institution of the walled urban center of Harar some 10 centuries ago. Though Harar town is refereed to as a medieval town, (later the structure of the wall) the city was established some one thousand years back. A simple proof is the age of the "Jumma Meskid"1 of Harar town which is over 800 years erstwhile or mayhap more than and believed to have been congenital during the reign of Awe Abadir. The fact that such a huge mosque was congenital, indicates that there was demand for it i.eastward. information technology was needed to adapt the people already living in the town. The size of the mosque indicates the being of the town long before the construction of the Jumma Mosque for Friday prayer, as the dominion of Islam, such a mosque is not required for people living in scattered settlement. Hence, from this facts, information technology is non difficult to conclude that Harfar town existed before m years, before the expansion and growth of Harar to became the capital of the then national authorities. According to some legend, there is a saying of the "Sati Geyach"2 which is an indication that there were similar settlements around Harar before Harar attained the condition of a centre of political determination, center of learning, and commerce with a link to the trade route betwixt the Zeyla port to the west and s of Harar as far as the Bale region.

Jumma Meskid -the g & the oldest Mosque for a Friday congregation pray.
Sasti Geyach- the former seven settlements prior to the walled city.
The aboriginal government in Harar is known to have ruled and administered a far great or geographical region than the present ane. The extent of the Harar land include the eastern highlands and lowlands region up to port Zayla. The government, like modern governments, had its own country machinery, political arrangement, social system, fiscal and economic systems. Haring a regime, are the necessary institutional frame-piece of work enhance economic and social growth and brings about a multifaceted evolution of the region. It seems that the merchandise boom and the ability to create ane of the worlds ancient market centers can be attributed to nothing else other than having a free market economy.
The Harari people established their political dynasty in Harar. In the history of Harar about lxx ii Amirs (Kings) were regretted. The beginning Amir was chosen Amir Haboba Ibn Harar (969-1000AD). The administrative system of the Amirs was tribal federation among the people of Harar, Somali, Afar and Argoba.
Among the Amir mentioned above, Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim, improve known as "Ahmed Gragn" or "Ahmed the left-handed was the famous Amir and during his reign Harari government had potent military force which could defend its interests. Due to conflict over trade route, Ahmed Gragn launched a large scale military campaign against Lebne dingil (1523-1540) of the central Christian kingdom and the first considerable victory was achieved at the boxing of shumburm cure in 1527. Achieving victory afterwards victory, Ahmed Gragn conquered and could control nearly three-fourth of Ethiopia until he was defeated by rex Geladewos with the assistance of portugess war machine forces.
The other famous ruler and among best remembered Amirs of Harar was Ahmed Gragn's nephew chosen Amir Nur Ibn Alwazir Mujahid who came to marry his uncle'due south widow in a plan to revenge against male monarch Galawdewos. Achieving his goal, Amir Nur defeated and beheaded king Galawdewos at the battle his head to display in Harar. Then commediatly, Amir Nur became rex of Harar.
Amir Nur Ibn Alwazir was destined to become one of Harar's best remembered rulers. He was responsible for the structure of the bully wall around the metropolis of Harar in 1551-1552. This defensive wall, commonly known as jugal was 3342 meters in circumference, an average of twelve feet high and three feet thick.
The wall had five gates and was supported past nigh 24 oval shaped watching towers each of the five gate was used by farmers, merchants and caravans traveling from different directions.

At the commencement of the tertiary quartos of the 19thcentury the situation of Harar changed. Port zayla including Tejuran and Berbara were seized by Egyptian force. The Egyptian rule under Rauf pasha initiated Harar in a rapid modernization process for almost a decade. However with the influence of British colonial rule, Rauf pasha was forced to withdraw his troops from Harar on January 19th, 1885. Power was then smothly transfered to the document of the previous Amir, i.due east. Amir Abdulahi Ibh Mohammed (1885-1887).

The economic base of operations of the Harar government, in improver to agriculture, were trade, cottage Manufacture and tax. Unlike kinds of raw materials were exported and manufactured goods. Jewelry, etc. were imported. To bargain with domestic as well as foreign trades, The Harar government used to mint its own coins in the medieval period known as "Mahalak". More than twenty dissimilar coins were minted by corresponding Amirs. Therefore, in the history of Ethiopia, Harari coins were the showtime coins next to Axumite ones.

The development of human made resource, farmlands, cottage industries, handicrafts and literature can exist counted the establishment of Harar town.
Other factors that possibly existed were an appropriate state tenure system which immune private ownership of state coupled with public ownership vested in agents similar the Awach (shrine eye with democratically elected directors) and the waqfi administration system. Some of this center are still in existence through out the rural areas, merely have lost control of public resources. To mention a few Awe Umar, Awe sofi Yahya, Awe Barkadle, etc. were agents for the management of public lands.

The country is also known to accept manumicipal and other offices administration mechanisms for both urban and rural areas to manage agricultural land and water resources by Social organization which was lead past elected and approved leader among the farm communities.

Currently available manuscripts and documents prove that every house and subcontract was identified and managed by means of recorded plans (with drawings) and ownership certificates and licenses. No unmarried house was built in the town illegally without the permission of the municipal or town governments.
Every public property and properties belonging to orphans, mosque or the municipality were centrally registered past Quads who deed equally secretariats for the Amirs.


Achievements of sustainable employ of resource by the ancient People

The architectural and engineering cognition is manifested in the establishment of Harar town itself. Its living houses and monuments, Mosques and shrines: that were in use for a thou years are clear proof of the cultural development of the people and their achievements. Currently about 6000 historical houses 96 mosques and 150 shrines are registered.

The aboriginal Harari developed their land for farming, tamed animals and plants. Their power to feed themselves and their off-springs for centuries on small plots of farm which can still exist observed today after surviving all the historically known natural calamities and disasters is obvious. Protecting their country from degradation and loose of soil fertility they take passed over their developed resource along with the necessary knowledge and skill they possessed from generation to generation (for over thousand years) until the present. Notwithstanding, this country is, today though information technology is suffering from degradation.

We can learn lessons from the methods they used to feed themselves and satisfy their needs through the proper and sustainable use and development of their natural resources. Information technology tin be seen that the human resources as well, were used sustainable. Otherwise Harari's would have ceased to be a long time agone.
The successes in agronomical development is not a miracle. They had the capability to apply effective farming techniques and agricultural technologies, which are useful to our nowadays generation as well. A few of these techniques are mentions here below:-

The ability to prepare fertilizers (manure) and employ them properly and correctly is ane cistron to keep soil fertility to heave product.
The sensation and ability to use the alluvion water to keep their land fertility and irrigate their fields.

The knowledge and ability of irrigation technology through construction of small earth dams beyond all streams and rivers and the construction of irrigation canal along the hilly sides and uneven and rough landscape.
The practice of ingather rotation.

Realization of the do good of mixed farming that enables on to maintain the ecological balance and helps the effective utilization of a plot of land.
The know-how of genetic engineering, (though in its crude class) for hybridization of fruit plants (for example grafting method).
Effectively protecting soil erosion by ways of terracing and tree contour planting.
The ability to place plants which support each other and planting them side by side (e.grand. java and kugnee).

The cognition and ability to select diverse seed, crops for different localities.
The ability to utilise "Tini" (Cactus) leaves and stems to utilise its rich water content by burying it nearly and around important plant debian-sys-maint zones (especially java) during draught or when water shortage is encountered.
In that location is traditional believe that advocates planting fruit copse for apply by next generations as a righteous human action. They likewise replace aged coffee and chat plants with new ones equally a custom for each nativity of an offspring. These traditional teachings prohibit the cut or destroying of plants and trees and promote the fair treatment for animals etc. helped the conservation of such resources.
The above techniques have been practiced as recently as one-half a century ago and in fact were witnessed during the life time of this generation. These techniques are mostly useful even today and it is only past such organisation of farming that the present generation can exist able to maintain its inherited agricultural resource in tended with these of mod fertilizer and extensive survives. The demand for modern technology and machinery- volition be inevitable.
However, the above farming techniques lonely havent furnished all the agricultural requirements. Harars supported their farming with their own produces of all needed agricultural implements and tools in their boondocks cottage industries.

The industrial resources grew until the invasion past feudal rule and the traces of the industries, (though degraded and strangled) are steel active to day. Hararis have produced agronomical implements appropriate to (some are unique) their land feature and subcontract type. The implements are either fabricated woods or metal. They produced such tools equally hakafa(shevel), makhra(hoe), kalka(ox), mancha (traditional tools resembling sickle) used for different purposes) from steel and Nuguy, gamaro etc. from woods (waiza). Though they had full knowledge of heat handling of metals and forging, it is non known whether they produced steel. At that place is show that they imported copper and some metal through strange trade. Merely production of some metals or alloys were done locally as some evidence indicates. Whichever mode it was done, information technology is clear that they facilitated their farming by being cocky sufficient in agriculture implements.

The fact or that has fabricated Harar town abound as a center of trade is the being of town products from urban cottage industries forth with farm products.

To satisfy their vesture needs they grew cotton fiber in their farm fields and produced yarn and cloth using their own wooden machinery. Historical records witness that Hararis have exported textiles similar silk. The existence of silk fabrics is a recent retentivity for the present elderly generation. This sector of the textile industry survived till the 18th century. An European traveler who has visited Harar well-nigh one-half a century before the invasion of Harar, witnessed that Harar produced textiles of high quality superior in fabric and dazzler than the ones produced in European industries.

The beingness of a market place center and trade boom is an indication of the beingness of surplus agricultural and industrial products that require a center for commodity exchange. The fact that article exchange was conducted past means of the local currency, metallic alloy coins, indicates the economic blast of the region. The prosperity enjoyed by the people can be measured by the fact that the handicraft industries that existed were engaged in the product of gold and silver ornaments used by the female population. This craft has reached the highest level tin be witnessed in Magala Harar town even today. The silver ornaments were commonly produced and used them and currently for use by women and are considered as part of the cultural heritage and treasure. Amidst such ornaments: Waqri, Siyasa, shankhit, rings with pearl, earring, Muriya, tin be mentioned. There are a number of Hararis who take inherited the skills crave


The history of foreign traded and Resources need

The achievements of the Harari dealt with higher up would not have been possible with only localized merchandise. The existence of a natural harbor access to the other world or surroundings) is considered as a necessary natural resource. In the instance of the Hararis, there existed such a harbor on the cherry-red sea cast due east of Harar (now in Somalia) known as Zeyla, which has enabled the Harari people to trade with other nations and civilizations. Economical growth and progress in culture is unthinkable without commerce and foreign merchandise. It is through external trade that people can really satisfy all their needs and exchange ideas, knowledge, skills and means for further evolution and better living conditions of the people.
So the existence of such trade link enabled Hararis not only to exchange their commodities, but also to learn and import the latest techniques, scientific discoveries and technological achievements that the world could offer as far as information technology was constitute useful and not harming their cultural values. So information technology is obvious that, most probable, in this course of strange trade, they were able to satisfy their needs and develop their agricultural and industrial techniques to develop and use sustainable their natural resource. Such trade links are historically known to have existed with the ancient Egyptian civilization, the commercial center of Mecca in Saudi Arabia and with the Far cast civilization equally far as China and India.
The growth and development of the Harari region became stagnant and reject as a result of the colonization of the red sea coast by the expansion of colonialist powers in the horn of Africa. This deprived the people to have access to the port and the situation was further aggravated after the invasion of Harar past the feudal lords which led to the decline and degradation of all resources of Harari region. The deliberate deed of the and then centralist tyrant government to isolate the Harari region from the external world by complete blockage of the region even with nonbearing mutually supporting peoples has contributed to the degradation.
Information technology is an accepted principle, that when people lack access to their natural resources the result will be in poverty, stagnation of culture and degradation of natural resource. And so the decline in foreign trade followed past a decline in local merchandise certainly produced the deterioration in the agriculture and manufacture of Harar, to the extent of humiliating the workers and peasants. This fact shows how intervention affects the natural way of things and further shows us how far people can run into their needs, independently of their own resources, without external trade and free travel of people.
Obviously economic development, to a certain level, brings with information technology additional needs. The material weather make up one's mind the concioucesness. The college the level of evolution the greater the need is (or vise versa). This must considered when such issues like the sustainable use of resources are dealt with all the issues boil downward to satisfaction of peoples needs and the improvement of their living weather.

Bear upon of external (or foreign) intervention on resources

The Hararis accept enjoyed centuries of prosperity and economic and social progress nether their own sovereign regime and had attained the highest status in homo civilization comparative with other regions of Ethiopia before it fell a century ago, under the yoke of the far astern feudal rule headed by barbarous war lords of Shoa.
Information technology was later a series of battle and the defeat of the Harari people at the Chelenko battle field that the region'due south economic development took a reversal form. The Chelenko war has resulted in the humiliation and genocide of the people and halted the region's economic progress, and the stagnation of its civilization.
The part played past the then European powers in supporting the feudal lords was a grave historical mistake committed against, not simply Hararis, only confronting humanity, civilization and human achievement and the surroundings. The degradation of the human and natural resources, the distraction and misplacement of the peoples achievements and cultural heritage followed past a massive popular migration, backwardness and poverty that is witnessed today is the result of this intervention under the rule of the gun.

Population DYNAMICS and characteristics

According to the effect of the recent population census (September 1994) the total population of Harari region is indicated to be 131,000 of which the per centum share of female and male person is 50%. The residents of Harar town are estimated to be 76,798, while the rural residents number 54,761. There are xxx,071 households in the Harari region with an boilerplate of 4.3 persons per household.

The variables that make up one's mind population growth are fertility, mortality and migration. The fertility rate of the Harari region is 2. The growth rate is insignificant. The infant bloodshed charge per unit is 113 deaths per year per chiliad birth.
The census reveals that the rate of in-migration to the Harari regions in the 12 months prior to the census was 1.6 percentage, where every bit the migration in the iv years before the census constituted 7.8 percent of the region's population. The census further indicates that almost 23% of the full population of the Harari region are migrants.
From this demography result information technology is evident that virtually all of the migrants have settled in the boondocks of Harar. Hence it is possible to conclude that 23 percentage of the Harar town residents are in-migrants.
Co-ordinate to this analysis, one tin conclude that the in-migrants substantially contribute to the annual growth rate of the population of the Harari region. Thus, the implementation of the population policy in the region should consider the impact of this in-migration on the population dynamics of the Harari people so as to avoid distortion in planning conservatory participation.
Population size by Ethnic group : 1877 and 1994


Source: http://www.amiirnur.com/

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